The degree of this feeling is out of the ordinary for me (today was awesome, post to come will explain the other half of why), but the attitude of celebration itself is not abnormal for me, because every day I do find something to celebrate, some small gain or good effort. I'm not making them up, either. They're there. But I actively look for them, perhaps a bit harder than most, and when I find them, I celebrate them. Because in all but the very worst no good very bad day, there are kernels of awesome which can be celebrated. (And even in those very bad days, they're probably still there, I'm just not in the mental space to be able to find them...I'm only human!)
For example:
WOW that was an improvement in transitioning between activities!
WOW that was good communication!
WOW that was some impressive effort towards social interaction!
You get what I mean. And it doesn't just have to be autism related, either; in fact, celebration is not limited to autistic children (or, for that matter, to children as a whole). Sharing, hugs, beating a video game level, a game of catch, I would classify ALL of these as awesome moments to be celebrated.
Value. Support. Celebrate. Jess at Diary of a Mom really got the formula right when she put these three together. I know, especially starting right out of the diagnosis gate, it can be so hard to see how this could apply to your life, whether you're Autistic yourself or know someone who is. But these three words I really think are the key to everything, to self-love and inspiring that love in others, and going to bed at night lit not by doubt or worry, but by those kernels of joy.
And tonight, I'm celebrating.