That said, he doesn't know I'm leaving yet. I tried explaining last week and he didn't quite understand, so I'm making visual aids to help explain and a social story type thing to show him today that I'm moving and can only come back for holidays from now on. All in all, though, while I'm willing to extend later if It turns out we need to, I think we'll have made a smooth transition in just a week, instead of the two weeks I thought we might need.
So it looks like I'll be all moved up sooner than I thought! I have absolutely LOVED this chapter of my life. I love the children and families I've worked with here, I've LOVED spending time with my sister and my mom, and it's been great being so close to most of my extended family, too. I will dearly miss every single one of them. I spent this year well, getting my post-bacc in Communication Sciences and Disorders and caregiving experience with children on the spectrum. (Parents, I have infinitely more respect for all you do now!) But I'm ready to become a full-fledged autism professional now and I cannot wait to get the training as a speech pathologist that awaits me on the other side of my move.